Pride Scholars
Nááts'íílid Rainbow

Devon Norberto
Clans: Tódik’-zhi nishłíí dóó Kinłichii’nii báshíshchíín. Má’ii deeshgiizhinii ídashicheii dóó Bilagaana éí dashinálí.
Paternal Parents: Kristy Dempsey & the Late Jonathan Norberto
Grandparents: Etta Jean & Frank Dempsey
Leadership Roles Served:
Club President of Chieftain Pride (GSA)
High School Attended:
Shiprock High School
University Attending:
University of New Mexico
College Major:
Political Science

Earlson Manson
Clans: Táchii’nii nishłí dóó Bit’ahnii bashishchiin. T ł 'ízí lání dashicheii dóó Tó'áhani éí dashinálí.
Paternal Parents: Rosita and Carl Manson
Leadership Roles Served:
Diné College Senator - Student Representative
Diné College Student Activities Chairperson
Diné College Student Body Vice President
Capacity Builders Specialist Intern
Community Service Organization:
Diné College 1st Year Experience Program
Diné College Student Government
High School Attended:
Monument Valley High School
University Attending:
Diné College
College Major: